Image info clockwise from top left: IUAH Building, Artists Donald "Scribe" Ross / Enrique Chi w/Mandy Burnett and Effie Altoro / Anushka Ganesh / Bird Fleming, Xavier Fleming and Densil Malabre. Photos taken by IUAH.
Identity Performance Series - CALL FOR PROPOPALS!
InterUrban ArtHouse presents an open call for our newly funded “Identities Performance Series”. This series will serve to activate KC metro performing artists from across performance types and cultural backgrounds.
“This project is generously funded by Mid-America Arts Alliance, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the state arts agencies of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.”
This project will serve to activate KC metro performing artists from across different performance types (e.g. music, dance, theater, spoken word, fashion, circus, etc.) as well as ask diverse cultural backgrounds.
Proposals must include the creation of a new performative work, and at least one educational/outreach activity in the form of an artist community talk, hands-on art skills workshop, or other public engagement format. Five $3000 awards will be awarded, 1 for each exhibition listed in this call.
Performances may be collaborative in nature and will explore cross-cultural connections while celebrating unique cultural perspectives and practices, emphasizing harmony in a discordant world.
Performances must be new, original productions resulting in documented recordings (audio, video or both).
This open call is for performative works inspired by our upcoming exhibition, interpreted by YOU the artist.