Join us Wed, Oct 30th, 6-7pm, to meet KCKCC Art Gallery Coordinator/Curator Shai Perry. We’ll learn about her curatorial and art practices, as well as the space she runs, how it works, and how we, as artists, can engage with it. Bring your questions and ideas, as this is an open conversation. This event is free and open to the public, but please RSVP below so we know how many folks to prepare for.
About Shai
Shai Perry is a Kansas-based, black bi-racial woman, artist, mother, curator, and consultant. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from East Tennessee State University, where she studied sculpture and cultural anthropology. She is the Gallery Coordinator and Adjunct Art Instructor at Kansas City Kansas Community College. While pursuing a Master of Fine Arts (MA) in Arts Management and Leadership for Wichita State University. She teaches art appreciation, curates on many platforms, manages the Art Gallery, facilitates the campus collection, and manages artistic visions for public spaces. In the community, Perry serves as an advocate for the arts on many platforms, this includes being the Kansas Museums Association Board Member at Large, Dott Arts Board Member, Wyandotte County Captain for the Arts and Economic Prosperity study six (AEP6), Arts KC Regional Arts Council Mission Support Grant Committee member, and the KCKCC Representative for the Mayor's UG Local Arts Governance Committee. Perry's involvement in the community reaches beyond art organizations. She was Outreach Officer for the steering committee of the Young Professionals Forward, an initiative of the Kansas City, KS Chamber of Commerce. In addition, she was also an ambassador for the KCK Chamber. Perry served as the Marketing Chair for the Friends of the Grinter Museum Board for three years. She also performs these duties on the board of the Wyandotte County Ethnic Festival.