Likelihood of getting your preferred studio space pivots on early and complete application, appropriateness of studio practice to studio availability, and our desire to be inclusive and diverse.  

ArtHouse CEO and Founder will make the final decisions regarding available space and matching appropriate studio spaces to artists working practice. 

All License fees are paid one month in advance; common charges are paid retrospectively in the following month and determined by the actual percentage of space Licensed to the Artist/Creative.  

See “License and Policies” for studio details. See “Deadlines and Notifications” for schedule. 


  • “Art” includes, but is not limited to: 

Painting, drawing, sculpture, book arts, printmaking, mixed-media, 

Literature, poetry, photography, music composition, architecture, graphic arts, film, video, fiber/textiles, digital/new media, jewelry, glass, choreography, musical composition, performance, costume/fashion design, set design, etc. 

  • “Artist/Creative” is a person who:  

regularly and consistently works on their creative practice(s), not simply as a hobby, but it does not need to be their only source of income.  


  • See License and Policies for studio details. See Deadlines and Notifications for schedule. 

  • Likelihood of getting your preferred studio space pivots on early and complete application, appropriateness of studio practice to studio availability, and our desire to be inclusive and diverse.  

  • Applications without sufficient supporting materials may not be reviewed. 

  • Before you fill out this application please read ArtHouse “Mission & Vision” and “Eligibility & criteria for selection” below. 

  • Original artwork will not be accepted.  Submitted materials will be handled with care, but InterUrban ArtHouse cannot assume responsibility for lost or damaged materials. 


  • From information gathered in the Interview, the ArtHouse will determine the chosen artists and the priority order of studio choices available to those artists. InterUrban reserves the right to consider other factors in extending offers. 

  • Upon agreeing to License a particular studio, the Artist/Creative is required to pay a returnable deposit equal to one month’s license fee, plus first month’s License fee.