Call for Artists:  2024 Artist Residencies

InterUrban ArtHouse will be awarding 3 visual artist residencies starting this summer 2024 and will run through December 2025.

Selected Residency award recipients are eligible to receive: 
Studio Fees Waived for length of residency (value $3000).  The studios are approximately 7.5 x 12 feet.  There are three studios that share one door, separated by sheet rocked dividers.


The mission of the InterUrban ArtHouse (IUAH) is to enrich the cultural and economic vibrancy of the community by creating a place where artists and creative industries can work and prosper in an affordable, sustainable, and inclusive environment. 

In an effort to realize this mission, the ArtHouse has established its Studio Residency program to support 3 artists in the Kansas City region.

Qualifying applicants will be: 

- Experimental, generative visual artists; 

- Committed to studio practice, enhancing excellence, professionalism and visual/experimental development in their work;

- An emerging/re-emerging artist

- Dedicated to their respective communities as mentors, presenters, and/or teachers;

- Willing to experiment sharing of their visual art through events, activities and classes;

- Committed to a minimum average of 3 days a week studio time & ongoing commitment as an IUAH resident artist;

- Able to articulate regarding how this studio residence will improve their artistic excellence, exploration and exchange of expression and media;

- Active participants in the visual documentation of their artistic residency throughout the year &;

- Desirous of being part of an artists environment where artists of all backgrounds and media interact with one another and a broad, deep regional cultural community.

Preference will be given to applicants who will utilize IUAH studio as their only/primary studio during the residency period.


  • Open Call begins May 6th, 2024

  • Applications due by Friday, June 7th, 2024

  • Staff & Advisory Committee reviews submissions - June 10th-14th,

  • Notification June 14th,

  • Award recipients public announcement Mon, June 17th

The selection committee includes our staff and Advisory Committee