Join Nettie Zan as they host four touring, working-class midwestern poets at IUAH for an evening of dirty-handed, earnest and entertaining poetry. Featuring the incredible Dan Denton, a former union autoworker and UAW chief steward that left the security of his factory job and moved into a 26’ travel trailer to more freely pursue his writing. Awarded the best writer in Toledo by the Toledo City Paper in 2024, his poetry and short stories are widely published, and he is the author of three novels and novellas, the latest The Dead & the Desperate (Roadside Press, 2023) is available from most booksellers.
Also joining are Ohio poets Nikki Blankenship, J.I.B., and Brooke Nicole Plummer. Nettie Zan will be releasing their newest book, "Everything I Never Told You Is All I Have Left To Say." The event is free, but bring cash and venmos for books and donations!
Click the link below to reserve your spot!