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Contact Information:

InterUrban ArtHouse Studio Hours:

Mondays, 12:00am - 3:00pm

Thursdays, 10:00am - 3:00pm

Third Friday Open Houses, 5:30pm - 8:30pm

Artist: Melanie Nolker

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A little about me: After my first career in early childhood development with a specialty in special education, and having raised three children, I started creating art in my middle years.

One Christmas, my husband bought me a book called ‘Watercolor for the Artistically Undiscovered’. It was printed on watercolor paper and had a palette of paints built in at the base of the book. It took several months and much coaxing to open it and begin painting, but since that day, I have lived and looked at life differently. The colors are brighter, the contrasts deeper and my joy is greater.

I began working with a palette knife and oils in 2004 with Milisa Valliere. Through the years, I have studied with many teachers in the Kansas City and Lawrence areas and have attended many workshops by nationally renowned artists and teachers.

Today, I paint with several amazing groups of artist friends who encourage and push me to be a better painter. I have paintings hanging at the 2010 Gallery and I present workshops on palette knife painting to art associations and private groups.